hold in

hold inhold in1.拿着; 抱住; 夹住He held a magazine in his hand.他手里拿着一本杂志。The young mother held her baby tightly in the arms.年轻的母亲紧紧地抱着她的孩子。2.托住; 支持住She was holding her hands in her face.她用双手托住脸。3.以…对待They all held him in great esteem.他们都很敬重他。She is held in estimation by those who know her.凡是认识她的人都很尊敬她。

hold in1.抑制,克制:Don't hold your emotion in, cry if you want to.别抑制你的情感,想哭你就哭一通吧。He did his best to hold himself in, not to scold her.他尽力克制住自己,并没责骂她。2.控制,制止:Hold your dog in for goodness' sake!老天爷,拉住你的狗吧!

见:hold 2: hold in